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Compassionate care for this life and all future lives



Where there is a mind, there are feelings such as pain, pleasure, and joy. No sentient being wants pain; instead all want happiness.


Since we all share these feelings at some basic level, we as rational human beings have an obligation to contribute in whatever way we can to the happiness of other species and try our best to relieve their fears and sufferings.


~ His Holiness XIV Dalai Lama


Our story and inspiration to help any sentient being that comes to the monastery for care. 

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Our present and future projects - all completely supported through your kind donations. 


See some of the many successes and challenges since 2006 on our Google Photos album.

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Rejoice with an extensive collection of videos on our YouTube channel.

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Check out the monthly updates from our wildlife observation video camera. 


.... Coming soon .... to cover some of the wonderful unexpected events we would like to share.


Read and download resources from His Holiness XIV Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

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All the Animal Care Project's activities are completely supported by kind donations.

Contact Us
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Compassionate care for this life and all future lives

You can now be part of a project that has the precious opportunity to repay some of the kindness these beautiful beings have shown to us throughout limitless lifetimes.

You're also very welcome to contact Yonten on the priorities and motivation for Nalanda's Animal Care Project, and it's planned projects for the future.

May all beings be happy

A Where's-My-Dog Production for the Benefit of all Sentient Beings

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